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Focus and Scope

Political Philosophy is a forum for exploring theoretical aspects of public life—moral, political, social, legal and economic. It is an insistently interdisciplinary site for mutual engagement among practitioners of all those disciplines and more. The journal is methodologically capacious, equally welcoming of work that is formal and abstract or grounded and discursive. It brings liberalism, socialism, feminism, critical theory, critical race theory, game theory and social choice theory into conversation with one another. It is open to historical, exegetical and comparative work that builds to a larger and more general philosophical point. Political Philosophy's core commitments are simply to analytical rigour and scholarly excellence.

Journal History

Political Philosophy was launched in 2024 with the Open Library of Humanities (OLH) by the former editors of The Journal of Political Philosophy which they, in one configuration or another, had edited since its founding in 1993.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published online as a continuous volume throughout the year, which is divided into two issues running for six months each. Articles are made available as soon as they are ready to ensure that there are no unnecessary delays in making content publicly available.

Publication Fees

There are no publication fees. This journal is published by the Open Library of Humanities (OLH). Unlike many open-access publishers, the OLH does not charge any author fees. This does not mean that we do not have costs. Instead, our costs are paid by an international library consortium.

Voluntary Author Contributions

Authors who have access to institutional funds or grant funding earmarked for Open Access publication (via a research grant or through their institution's department or library)—and only those authors—are asked to use those funds to cover the publication costs for their article in Political Philosophy through a Voluntary Author Contribution (VAC). The VAC is genuinely voluntary. Whether or not the author is able to contribute makes absolutely no difference to editorial decision-making on the submission. For further information please see the publisher's policy on VACs.

Archiving, Indexing and Citation Metrics

Political Philosophy is archived and indexed according to the publisher's policy.